Online Memorials

Theodore aka Theo

2013 - 2017

RIP to our big fat, beautiful orange boy Theodore - Theo, gone unexpectedly and WAY to soon...

Though our time with you was cut short, we don't understand and weren't ready. We are so thankful and grateful for your unconditional love, the time we had and you were the best cat EVER! You loved boxes to sleep and hide in, food lol, Nerf balls to play soccer with, chasing the other cats and keeping the dogs and all of us inline! Chewy, Ripley and Whisky miss you too! As heartbroken as your boys Campbell, Logan, Roan and especially your Momma are we are reassured in knowing our Fred is waiting for you on the side.
Momma misses you SO much Theo! You came into my life when I needed you most, you provided me strength and unconditional love to get me thru some very rough times and as much as this breaking my heart, the tears won't stop flowing and it takes my breath away knowing your gone, like the first day I saw you in the pet store your giving me the strength to get thru this very rough time!

Finally like Fred - Theo until we meet again - your paw print is forever branded on our hearts ????