Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is usually a time of great emotion. As we cherish the memories of our pet, making decisions regarding pet aftercare can be difficult and sometimes overwhelming.
In 1995, facing similar questions and choices regarding the loss of a family pet, Scott Hunter could find no satisfactory answers. The pet aftercare industry seemed to offer very little regulation; most companies providing pet aftercare services did so with minimal licensing and inferior standards.
A year later, in 1996, Scott founded Gateway, Canada’s first accredited pet aftercare provider. Since that time, Gateway has continued to set the industry standard for excellence in ethical pet aftercare across North America.
As a member of the IAOPCC (The International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories), Gateway completed a rigorous two-year accreditation program, which guarantees a high level of integrity and regulation for pet aftercare providers. Scott served as President of the IAOPCC for three years and currently sits on its Advisory Council.
From the innovative and comprehensive online tracking system, “Paws-e-Track,” to Certified Crematory Operators and Registered Pet Funeral Directors, Gateway is committed to achieving the highest level of accuracy and accountability for pet aftercare.
Gateway offers pet owners a sense of comfort and peace of mind, ensuring your pet’s aftercare will be handled in a way that is respectful, dignified and compassionate. At every step along the way, we promise to care for your pet as if it were our own.